Yahuah is The Creator
Yahuah created the
Universe ‘through’ Yahusha?
No! Yahusha was given the Universe ‘through’
From my book “The Kingdom”
Throughout the English mistranslated Hellenized Bibles, we
read that the Universe was created THROUGH Yahusha making Yahusha The Creator
instead of Yahuah! Instead of “through inheritance”. Below is an example of
(taking verses out of context robbing Yahuah of His Glory as Creator)
1 Corinthians 8:6
yet for us there is but one God, the
Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one
Lord, Yahusha the Messiah, THROUGH whom all things came and THROUGH whom we
Colossians 1:16
For in Him all things were created, things
in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or
rulers or authorities. All things were created THROUGH Him and for Him.
Hebrews 1:2
2 But in these last days He has spoken to
us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and THROUGH whom He made
the universe.
John 1:10
He was in the world, and though the world was
made THROUGH Him, the world did not recognize Him.
line upon line, precept upon precept
Was the Universe created THROUGH Yahusha, or was it given THROUGH
inheritance to him to govern as heir to The Creator’s Universe (his Father’s
House)? We read above in Hebrews 1:2 that Yahusha was
APPOINTED HEIR to the Universe and then totally contradicting itself it says
the Universe was created THROUGH him. What is going on?
are to study line upon line, precept upon precept and BUILD to the Truth not
take verses and string them together out of context. The precepts upon
which the question of who is The Creator must be established are very
clear. We know that Yahuah ALONE is Creator and will not share that Glory
with anyone else. He did it all by Himself and NO ONE was with Him at Creation
and He did not do it “through” anyone. He will not even “share His Glory as
Creator” with anyone… period.
Isaiah 44
24 “This is what Yahuah says— your
Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am Yahuah, the Maker of all things, who
stretches out the heavens, who spreads out the earth BY MYSELF!
Isaiah 42
5 This is what Yahuah says— He who created
the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes
out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:
Isaiah 42
8"I am Yahuah, that is My name; I will not give My glory
(as Creator)
to another!
Isaiah 45
5 I am Yahuah, and there is no other; apart
from me there is no God. 7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring
prosperity and create disaster; I, Yahuah, do all these things. 12 It is I who made
the earth and created mankind upon it. My own hands stretched
out The Heavenly Scroll; I
marshaled their starry hosts (constellations
'host stars'). 18 For this is what Yahuah says— He who
created the heavens, He (alone)
is God (Matthew 17:3);
who fashioned and made the earth, He
founded it; He
did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: "I
am Yahuah, and there is no other (God)."
Isaiah 46
5 "To whom will you compare me or count
me equal (as Creator)?
To whom will you liken me that we may be compared (in Glory Isaiah 42:8)?
8 "Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. 9 Remember
the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and
there is no other; I
am God, and there is none like me. 10 I make known the
end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose
will stand (as foretold in The
Heavenly Scroll to beget a family to inherit and rule over His Creation),
and I
will do all that I
please (by my Logos/Dabar
i.e. Spoken Promise in The Heavenly Scroll Psalms 19
'the stars declare the works of His Hands).
On account of, because
of, by reason of, for the sake of
If you look at the word the translators chose to translated
as “through” as if Yahusha created the Universe (instead of heir THROUGH
inheritance) we see that it, in fact, it means “on account of” or “because of”
as Yahuah created the Universe on account of Yahusha because
of His Purpose to beget a family and will to that family an inheritance. It is
THROUGH INHERITANCE that Yahusha rules the Universe as I will prove.
word translated ‘through’ is the preposition ‘dia’ g1223 below:
Which word the translators should have used for ‘dia’ should
have been determined based on Yahuah’s PURPOSE in Creation and dictated by
CONTEXT, The Logos/Dabar written in the stars, and The Plan of Salvation.
However, the translators where PAGAN GREEKS and Hellenized the Scriptures to
conform to their Greek Philosophy and ignored The Plan of Salvation, denied The
Heavenly Scroll, abolished the words of His Prophets, and twisted the
know in Daniel Chapter 7 that Yahusha, the firstborn of the DEAD not creation,
come before Yahuah “the Ancient of Days” at the end of The Age of Pisces
beginning of Aquarius after fulfilling the pictograph of LEO. Yahusha is
THEN given his inheritance! He did not create the Universe it was created by
Yahuah as an inheritance to give to him or “on account of Yahusha” as His
firstborn son.
Daniel 7
13 “I kept looking in the night
visions (he was looking at
the stars/constellations in The Heavenly Scroll), and behold (in The Heavenly
Scroll), with the clouds of heaven One (Orion) like a Son of Man (Orion represents
the Messiah in The Heavenly Scroll) was coming, (now Daniel reads
the message in The Heavenly Scroll) And He (Orion/The Messiah)
came up to the Ancient of Days (POST
resurrection after he had come back as Conquering King to subdue all Kingdoms,
defeat The Dragon, and reconcile Creation back to his Father) And
Yahusha (the PRINCE of Peace)
was presented before Yahuah (to
be crowned King). 14 “And to Him (Yahusha) was given (by Yahuah as an
inheritance) dominion (the
Universe), Glory and a kingdom (he was seated at the Right Hand of Yahuah
over the government that will govern Creation), that all the
peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion (As King over the
Government that governs creation) is an everlasting dominion
which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed (Isaiah 6:9 and LEO).
Yahuah’s Purpose in
Creation… to give it to His Family to Rule through inheritance
We see in Ephesians 1, Sha’ul lay out Yahuah’s Purpose in
Creation and it is to have an “estate” to will to His eternal family THROUGH
Yahusha the firstborn son. So “through” is in the sense that Yahusha is heir to
the Universe THROUGH INHERITANCE and that we all share in the inheritance
THROUGH him, the firstborn son of the dead, from born of the grave, first
fruits of the resurrection… not “Creation” but ETERNAL Creation via the
Ephesians 1
8 Wherein (covenant with Yahusha) He (Yahuah)
hath abounded toward us (unlimited
Grace) in all wisdom and prudence; 9 Having made known unto us (from the beginning
written in the stars/The Heavenly Scroll) the mystery of His will
(to beget a family),
according to His (Yahuah's)
good pleasure which He hath purposed
(in The Heavenly
Scroll/Logos/Dabar) in (the
full image of) Himself (He
is begetting a family and is the Father of Elohim, the One True Living God Matthew
17:3): 10 That in the dispensation of the
time of fulfillment of The Heavenly scroll (4th prophetic day as foretold in The Heavenly Scroll and
the prophets) He (Yahuah)
might gather together (again)
in one all things in (covenant
with Yahusha the) Messiah, both which are in heaven (The Kingdom of
Yahuah), and which are on earth; even in Him(self, Yahuah will
reconcile creation through the sacrifice of His Son Colossians
1:20): 11 In (covenant with) whom (the first born Son,
Messiah Yahusha) also we (too)
have obtained AN
sons of YHVH, we inherit the Universe THROUGH Yahusha as co-heir Romans
8:17), being predestinated according to the PURPOSE of Yahuah
(from the beginning
written into creation to beget a family to rule His Creation) who
works all things after the counsel of His own will (the Dabar/Logos John 1... all that was done
was done according to His predestined purpose/plan and Psalms
19 'the stars declare the Works of His Hands'):
12 That we (sons of Yahuah)
should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Messiah Yahusha (as our Mediator who
showed us The Way and fulfilled The Heavenly Scroll/Logos/Dabar/Spoken Promise
from the beginning).
Again, Sha’ul says it is THROUGH INHERITANCE…
Romans 8:17
16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our
spirit that we are God’s children (we
are given an earnest guarantee after Mikveh and we are filled with the fullness
of deity Ephesians 3:19).
17 And if (we walk The Way)
we are children, then (after
being born-again) we are heirs: heirs of Yahuah and co-heirs with Yahusha
— if indeed we suffer with Him, so that we may also be glorified with Him (in the resurrection).
Sha’ul lays it out in detail again in Hebrews 1:
Hebrews 1
1 In the past Yahuah spoke to our ancestors
through the prophets (not
Yahusha because he did not yet exist) at many times and in
various ways (via The
Heavenly Scroll and through proxies/elohims), 2 but in these last
days (at the time of
fulfillment/fullness of time the 4th Prophetic Day as laid out in The Heavenly
Scroll) he has spoken to us by his Son (who fulfilled the Logos/Dabar/Heavenly Scroll
in the flesh John 1),
whom Yahuah APPOINTED
heir of all things (after he was risen divine), and
whom also Yahuah made the universe (as
an inheritance to give to Yahusha verse 1). 3 The Son is the
radiance of Yahuah’s glory (fulfillment
of The Heavenly Scroll, the Sun’s radiance proclaims THE GLORY of Yahuah Psalms
19:1) and the exact representation of his
being (after being
resurrected, the first born of the dead, the first of the resurrection, the
first fruits of the grave, the first of eternal
creation), sustaining (ruling
over... Daniel 7, Isaiah
9:6, LEO)
all things by his powerful word (he
is seated as KING, the Right Hand of Yahuah and rules in Righteousness).
he had provided purification for sins (by
defeating death), THEN
(not at creation)
he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in The Heavenly Scroll (took his rightful
place on the Throne in Heaven Daniel 7).
4 So he BECAME
as much superior to the angels (as
he inherited the Universe from his Father) as the
name/reputation/title he has INHERITED
(he is not Creator
of the Universe, he is HEIR through inheritance) is superior to
theirs (he is the Melchi Tsedek, Ruling High Priest).
And yet again in Galatians:
Galatians 4
4 What I am saying is that as long as an
heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole
estate. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set
by his father. 3 So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under
the elemental spiritual forces of the world. 4 But when the time of
fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll had come, Yahuah sent his Son, born of a
woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the curse of the law (the Death Decrees),
that we might receive adoption to sonship. 6 Because you are his sons,
Yahuah sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts (after our Mikveh and we are born-again),
the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave (to the fear of death),
but Yahuah's child; and since you are His child, Yahuah has made you ALSO (with Yahusha the
firstborn) an heir (to
So, IN CONTEXT of The Heavenly Scroll (which declares the
Branch would be risen from the dead, granted eternal life, THEN be seated as
King on the Throne in Heaven), and in context of the Prophets, and in light
that Yahuah clearly said He alone is The Creator and will not share that Glory
with anyone else… the translators should have been HONEST and not used the word
“through” but the real meaning of the word ‘dia’ which is “on account of”,
of”, “by reason of”, “for the sake of”,
and they should have explained that “through” is referring to inheritance…
NOT that Yahusha usurped Yahuah’s Glory as Creator!
that overwhelming truth in mind, allow me to simply fix all those places where
the Hellenized English Bible was twisted by the lying pen of the Scribes to
conform to the GREEK Philosophy of “Logos” and “Divine Emanation” which are pagan concepts.
Below is the true translation and context of each twisted sound bite used to
deny Yahuah His Glory as The Creator, and worship a mortal man who died…
1 Corinthians 8:6
yet for us there is but one God, the
Father, from whose word all things came (into
being Genesis 1) and for whom we exist (as His Children as He is begetting a family).
And there is but one Ruler (of
Yahuah’s Creation), Yahusha the Messiah, ON ACCOUNT OF
whom all things came (into
being to be given as an inheritance) and through whom (in covenant)
we exist (as Children of
Yahuah and through inheritance we share in our Father’s Estate John
Colossians 1:16
16 For in Yahuah all things were created,
things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or
dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created ON ACCOUNT OF
Yahusha and for Yahusha (as
an inheritance).
Hebrews 1:2
2 But in these last days (because Yahusha DID
NOT pre-exist) He has spoken to us by His Son (as Yahusha was
created to fulfill The Heavenly Scroll), whom Yahuah APOINTED HEIR OF ALL THINGS
(Yahuah’s Creation),
whom Yahuah made the
universe (as
an inheritance to give to His eternal family to govern, Yahusha the King and
John 1:10
IT (The
Heavenly Scroll/Logos/Dabar) was in the world (declaring the Works
of His Hand Psalms 19 'day
after day, night after night'), and BY REASON OF
(what is declared in
The Heavenly Scroll) the world was made ON ACCOUNT OF IT
(the stars declare
the works of His Hands Psalms 19, and it
was on account of His OWN WILL/PLAN Ephesians 1:11)
but the world did not recognize Yahuah (they
denied The Heavenly Scroll Romans 1 and
blasphemes Yahuah’s Spirit and denied Him His Glory as Creator)
Two Thrones
There are TWO “Thrones”. Yahuah alone sites on The Throne of
Creation as The Creator and Yahusha sits at Yahuah’s Right Hand on the Throne
over the government (called The Kingdom) that will govern Yahuah’s Creation.
This is what is revealed in The Word/Logos/Dabar of His Testimony eternally
written in The Heavenly Scroll as Isaiah reading The Heavenly Scroll laid out
The Plan of Salvation through a coming King…
Isaiah 9:6-7
1 For to us a child is born (VIRGO), to
us a son (of man)
is given (ORION),
will be on his shoulders (TAURUS - as he inherits
Creation and it seated as King over the government Daniel
7 and Zechariah 3).
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor (AQUARIUS – High Priest),
Image of Almighty God (CAPRICORNUS - all sons are
images of their fathers), Forefather of Everlasting Life (CAPRICORNUS – he goes before
us in the resurrection inheriting Eternal Life, the first born of the dead, the
first of the resurrection, the first fruits of the grave), Prince
of Peace (CANCER – he mediates The
Covenant of Peace). There will be no end to the increase of his
government or of peace, on the Throne of David (NOT Creation), and (King)
over his Kingdom (government
that governs Yahuah's Creation), to establish it (SAGITTARIUS),
and to uphold it (with
his Word ruling as King) with justice and righteousness from now
and forevermore (LEO).
Yahusha is made King
over His Father’s House AFTER he fulfills The Yahushaic Covenant
This is confirmed in context, yet again, in Zechariah
Chapter 3 where Yahusha is PUT over his Father’s house (estate/Universe) to
govern it AFTER he fulfills The Yahushaic Covenant.
Zechariah 3
Yahusha's sin forgiven through Mikveh, Yahuah consecrates Yahusha
High Priest directly, and enters into The Yahushaic Covenant to "forgive
our sin"
1 Then he showed me Yahusha the high priest
standing before the angel of YHVH, and Satan standing at his right side to
accuse him. 2 YHVH said to Satan, “YHVH rebuke you, Satan! YHVH, who has chosen
Jerusalem (because Satan is
attempting to get Yahusha NOT to empty himself of his right to the throne and
take the kingdom by force Matthew 4:9),
rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire (Yahusha had been in
the desert for 40 days with little food Matthew 4:2)?”
3 Now Yahusha was dressed in filthy clothes
(metaphor of sin Isaiah
64:6) as he stood before the angel. 4 The
angel said to those who were standing before him, “Take off his filthy
clothes.” Then YHVH said to Yahusha, “See, I have taken away your sin (Yahusha had just
been Mikveh'd clean of his sin by John to fulfill the Righteous Requirements of
The Law Matthew 3:13-17 and Ezekiel 36:24-31),
and I will put fine garments (of
the High Priest) on you.” 5 Then I said, “Put a clean turban (of the High Priest Hebrews
4:15) on his head.” So they put a clean
turban on his head and clothed him (in
the garments of the High Priest), while the angel of YHVH stood
by. 6 The angel of YHVH gave this charge to Yahusha (here is The Yahushaic Covenant!)
7 “This is what YHVH Almighty says: ‘IF (YHVH makes a
conditional promise, a COVENANT) you will walk in obedience to me
and keep my requirements (of
The Branch foretold in The Heavenly Scroll to come FIRST as Suffering Servant
and die THEN Conquering King to rule AND walk with no sin as High Priest Hebrews
4:15), THEN (here is the promise
if he fulfills The Heavenly Scroll as The Glorious Righteous Branch Virgo)
HOUSE (i.e.
King over the government that will govern creation Isaiah
9:6 and Constellation LEO)
and have charge of my courts (Eternal
Judge 2 Cor 5:10),
and I will give you a place (right
hand of YHVH Mark 16:19)
among these standing here 8 “‘Listen, High Priest Yahusha, you and your
associates seated (who
came) before you (probably
Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, etc.), who (those seated before him) are
men symbolic of things to come (they
were not The Branch just shadows/prototypes): I am going to bring
(you from this point
forward) My servant (Isaiah 61), The Branch
(he is The Messiah
and fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll Virgo).
9 See, the stone I have set in front of Yahusha! There are seven streams of
living water (eyes)
on that one stone (witness
written in stone as Yahusha was full of the 7 Spirits Revelation
5:6), and I will engrave an inscription on
it,’ says YHVH Almighty, ‘and
I will remove the sin of this land in a single day
(Jeremiah 31:34 - Yahuah will fulfill
His promise to "forgive our iniquity and remember our sin no more" in
a NEW covenant with Yahusha).
Now you know “the rest of the story”! Isn’t CONTEXT a wonderful
thing? It will keep you from blaspheming Yahuah, denying His immorality, giving
His Glory to another, and worshiping a mortal man who died.
Rav Sha’ul (the Nazarene)